Introduction to Bread Making

Introduction to Bread Making

Regular price £165.00 Sale

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This workshop is designed for people who have never baked bread before, those that have dabbled a bit with varying degrees of success and for regular bread makers that would like to learn more about the skills, techniques and science involved in bread making.

We make an Italian focaccia using authentic Italian 00 flour, a French baguette using authentic French T55 flour, a regular seeded or walnut organic white Artisan loaf and spelt rolls. The breads will be baked in our traditional wood fired oven or Rofco Oven.

Learn about different wheats and flours, yeasts, kneading techniques, how to shape dough and how to bake fantastically delicious bread that means you’ll never have to buy supermarket bread ever again!

The workshop starts promptly at 10am (Arrive anytime from 9.30am for tea/coffee and homemade cookies) and will run through until 4/4.30pm and includes refreshments, a homemade set two course lunch with wine, beer or soft drinks and tea/coffee to finish.

There is no need to bring anything with you as everything you need for the day is provided and you will take home all the bread that you have made together with the recipes and instructions.


(If you have a group of 6 people we are happy to arrange a specific date for you)